
Introduction to watergems software
Introduction to watergems software

The chlorine concentration reaches to 10 mg/lit in reservoirs, while its concentration is the 1st scenario in other ingredients. Primary concentration in reservoirs, tanks, pumps, valves and nodes are 2, 0.5, 1, 1, 0.1 mg/lit. Meanwhile, three defined scenarios are used: (1). On the basis of the analysis made by applying WaterGEMS, the following results are obtained: The chlorine concentration in 18th, 168th and 293th pipes were selected and have been studied, in more detail. The numerical simulation reproduced the complex flow patterns in the pipes network associated with a particular water consumption in the Vahidieh water supply network are presented as a case study. In this paper, a successful simulation has been carried out of a water supply network using WaterGEMS software.


Finally, the software reports will be analyzed and the results are obtained. Thirdly, other elements of network, consumption pattern and different scenarios are defined. In this step, it is necessary to extract nodes altitude codes from ArcView software. Secondly, the reformed information imports to the WaterGEMS software. For modeling Vahidieh town water distribution network by WaterGEMS software, first of all, the nodes and pipes are drawn by AutoCAD software. Meanwhile, a chlorination house has been designed to disinfect the region water that the maximum chlorine injection will be 3mg/lit. Volume of each reservoir is 5000m^3 and the volume of each tank is 500m^3. There are 2 reservoirs and 2 tanks in the new water supply network system. The amount of water consumption in the region has been estimated 195lit/s. In so, for the total consumption of water will be 215lit/day per capita. The Vahidieh town water supply network where used as a case study its population will be 78600 person at the end of 30 years design period. Finally, the network quantitative and qualitative results may be achieved. After that by running the software, the network parameters are obtained. Fourthly, defining the network analysis method. Thirdly, defining the distribution network for a hydraulic performance. Secondly, defining the network hydraulic traits. In the software, the analysis of water distribution networks is given step by step as: firstly, network drawing based on the nodes coordinates, pipes situation, reservoirs, tanks and other elements. Meanwhile, it is dependent upon the American hydraulics council. The WaterGEMS numerical model has been designed by Haestad Methods company. They resolved that the remained chlorine concentration in the pipes are in standard status (i.e. Vidhi and Geeta (2019) simulated a rural region in India by WaterGEMS. They stated that in pumping method, water qualitative management may guarantee a better system. (2019) utilized a pump and gravitational statuses in Semirom water supply by using WaterGEMS. He concluded that the appropriate points for chlorine injection dependent upon the network geometry, pipes diameter and the pattern of consumption. Aghasi (2018) who has presented a model by WaterGEMS to determine appropriate points for injecting of chlorine in a part of Mashhad water supply network. A miniature previous research work on the subject is mentioned. In addition, modeling of all mentioned items will result in a comprehensive view to the design of water supply networks. The innovation of present research work is to provide quantitative and qualitative items for the simulation of Vahidieh region where it has not yet been found out up to now. 18th,168th and 293th pipes put in the left, middle and right side of water supply network, respectively). For more comfortable comparison and interpretation of the above concept, three pipes in different places of Vahidieh water supply network have been chosen (i.e. This is because, there are important relationships between qualitative and quantitative parameters for the optimization design of water supply networks. For example, flow discharge, flow velocity, water head loss in pipe networks. Meanwhile, other quantitative items have also been calculated in Vahidieh water supply network system. In this research, the chlorine concentration, water age and chlorine trace parameters have been simulated by WaterGEMS for a case study: Vahidieh district (located on the west part of Tehran province). And more, the WaterGEMS can trace the chlorine substance as well. In addition, the model may calculate water age in water supply networks. If the chlorine concentration exceeds 3mg/lit, it would be dangerous for the Man health. Hence, WaterGEMS software models the chlorine to detect its concentration in each pipes of the water supply system. The most remarkable chemical substance used in water refinement procedure is the chlorine. WaterGEMS software provides a numerical model which simulates different parameters in water supply systems based on the principles of hydraulics.

Introduction to watergems software